REFOCUS - Supplement for Mind & Energy
REFOCUS - Supplement for Mind & Energy
In stock
- GeoMix: Sameinaðu fjórar vörur og fáðu 20% afslátt sjálfkrafa í körfu.
- Áskrifendur fá 15% afslátt og fría sendingu
- Frítt að skipta eða skila með Dropp
GeoSilica is sourced from geothermal water deep within Iceland’s volcanic earth, using no artificial chemicals. REFOCUS contains 100% natural geothermal Silica with added iron and vitamin D in pure Icelandic water. For mind and energy. Iron contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and normal cognitive function. Both iron and vitamin D contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
- Contains silica, iron and vitamin D3
- Increases energy levels
- Improves focus and memory
- Improves immunity system
Vatn, jarðhitakísill, ferrósúlfat, D-vítamín
Skammtar í hverri flösku
Steinefnamagn í skammti
Kísill 100 mg
Járn 14 mg
D vítamín 15 μg
Ráðlagður dagsskammtur
1 matskeið (10 ml) á dag.
Hristist fyrir notkun
Hægt að blanda í vatn eða safa.
Sameinaðu fjórar vörur og fáðu 20% afslátt sjálfkrafa í körfu.
REFOCUS - Fæðubótaefni fyrir hug og orku
REFOCUS - Fæðubótaefni fyrir hug og orku
Hello GeoSilica Team,
My husband and I have been taking in the Refocus Supplement for about 2 months now and we both agree that we've been able to stay better focused throughout the day and have an easier time with multitasking at work. All I'm trying to say is that we're more focused on the tasks at hand :-)
I'm very happy to found this product!
It helps my body, my mind and all cells of my body. Thank you!!!
REFOCUS - Fæðubótaefni fyrir hug og orku